“That’s not what I meant when I said ‘you get a cheat day.’” —snoutpower “That’s exactly how my ex tried to gaslight me when I caught her. She said, ‘You did this to yourself; you went through my phone looking to get hurt.’ No, I went looking for answers, which is exactly what I found.” —DeathBuffalo “I actually know a guy who had a wife use this excuse. He literally caught her in the act with another guy, and she said that she thought it was her husband the whole time. And guess what? They are STILL TOGETHER.” —helpme994 “I can’t help but feel there were 21 years of absolute batshit crazy red flags when someone says some shit like THAT.” —geoprizmboy “Thus proving there is no pleasing some people…” —chuckysnow “Imagine being the guy in that scenario in the future. ‘Yeah, my ex-wife cheated. She said I was too good for her and cheated.’” —Lust9897 “This is what my ex told me after she slept with my best friend. I moved out of the house the day that I found out, and she was all confused and surprised I’d react that strongly. I filed for divorce a few days later.” —jfitz1431 “I’ll never understand how a ‘best friend’ can choose to become the worst kind of friend, like seriously, pick literally anyone else.” —rdickeyvii “On the plus side, she helped you realize the other person was, in fact, not a friend. Knocked two shitty people out of your life in one go.” —MrPibIsNotOK “Instead of doing the hard thing of just being an adult and breaking up, they use cheating as a catalyst to break up without having to go through the tough motions of breaking up.” —The_Real_Muffin_Man —The_Real_Muffin_Man —The_Real_Muffin_Man “I can’t believe people like this are real…” —zekethelizard —spicewoman “I didn’t want to leave the security of our relationship until I was sure my new narcissistic supply was secured!” —BaronVonBaron “The fact that he used ‘consensual workplace relationship’ made the issue so much worse. It’s so smarmy.” —EstroJen “The ’lost focus’ part is what got me. I actually laughed out loud. ‘Lost focus’ sounds like you were zoning out while driving and accidentally ran a stop sign. Forgetting what you are doing and ending up hooking up with someone multiple times is not something that happens. ‘Lost focus’ really just means ‘stopped caring.’” —DustedGrooveMark

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