BURGER KING: 4.8/5 MCDONALD’S’s: 4.6/5 KRISTA: Look, both of these in my opinion were too sauce heavy. That makes for a soggy burger, and it makes me think you need a lot of sauce to cover up the actual taste of the food…just sayin’. When it comes to size, bigger isn’t always better — especially when it’s fast food. The Whopper looked less appealing to me because it was SO MUCH. In a way, it was too big and too overdone. Even the tomatoes felt too big, lol. Comparing it to the Big Mac, I liked that it had layers and seemed more like a simple burger to eat. ALSO, the Big Mac comes in a nice cardboard box that keeps it in-tact, and the Whopper just comes wrapped like a plain ol’ burger.  BURGER KING: 3.9/5 MCDONALD’S: 4.5/5 BURGER KING: 4.5/5 MCDONALD’S: 3.8/5 KRISTA: I’m not going to lie, I don’t love the fact that Burger King makes you pay for cheese on a sandwich. It feels like it should already come with it for the full experience. That being said, yes you are getting a LITTLE more bang for your buck with the Whopper. The BK patty doesn’t even come close to adding up to the size of the two patties on the McDonald’s Big Mac. So, for those reasons, the Whopper wins on value.  BURGER KING: 4.6/5 MCDONALD’S: 4.3/5 8/10 KRISTA: Listen, if you’re big on MEAT flavor, this is for you. I, unfortunately, don’t love it. Even with all the excessive mayo, the meat still overpowered this whole burger. I couldn’t appreciate any other part of it. Very mayo and meat-heavy. Overall, it wasn’t terrible, I just wouldn’t ever order it.  6.8/10

8.5/10 KRISTA: I will say this is a good burger. There was too much sauce, but it still tasted good. The Big Mac sauce is just Thousand Island, right (has that been confirmed lol)? Either way, I love that there wasn’t too much meat and I was able to appreciate the bun, lettuce, and other toppings as a part of the whole experience. Bonus points for the bun being very soft and fresh.  8/10 CHRISBURGER KING: 17.3MCDONALD’S: 17.5 KRISTABURGER KING: 15.3MCDONALD’S: 16.8 TOTAL:BURGER KING: 32.6MCDONALD’S 34.3 KRISTA: As Chris said, tipping my hat to these two contenders. I learned the Whopper truly is WHOPPING in size, lol. I would order it with less mayo or mayo on the side if you ever get it. As far as Mickey D’s Big Mac, well touché. It was great. A bit much, but isn’t that what all these burgers are about? I think so.

We Tried McDonald s Big Mac Vs  Burger King s Whopper - 36We Tried McDonald s Big Mac Vs  Burger King s Whopper - 98We Tried McDonald s Big Mac Vs  Burger King s Whopper - 38We Tried McDonald s Big Mac Vs  Burger King s Whopper - 21We Tried McDonald s Big Mac Vs  Burger King s Whopper - 68We Tried McDonald s Big Mac Vs  Burger King s Whopper - 29We Tried McDonald s Big Mac Vs  Burger King s Whopper - 16We Tried McDonald s Big Mac Vs  Burger King s Whopper - 59We Tried McDonald s Big Mac Vs  Burger King s Whopper - 10We Tried McDonald s Big Mac Vs  Burger King s Whopper - 30We Tried McDonald s Big Mac Vs  Burger King s Whopper - 27We Tried McDonald s Big Mac Vs  Burger King s Whopper - 61We Tried McDonald s Big Mac Vs  Burger King s Whopper - 87