—u/SadderOlderWiser “Don’t walk down that aisle! He’s more than willing to have you be the bad guy and not once has he tried to fix their perspective of you. Instead, he keeps it that way because it makes him seem better than you. If you have a baby with him, guess what? You’re the gold digger and that baby trapped him. Do you really want to listen to that?” —u/Just_Wednesday100 —u/dominiquetiu “Hard to see them as nice when I cannot imagine ever even implying that a person I’m speaking with — let alone someone who’s engaged to my child —might be a gold digger. (I don’t use that term, but I’ve always assumed it was a ‘behind the back’ kind of insult anyway.) Maybe that’s nicer than outright saying, ‘We don’t approve of your relationship with our son, you’re beneath him,’ but only barely.” —u/ViscountBurrito –u/mkat23