What their relationship status is now: Sadly, just earlier this month Danielle filed for divorce. Neither Danielle or Nick has publicly commented on the situation yet, but I wish them all the best and hope they find happiness in their various costumes and video games in a solo capacity. Don’t be sad that it ended, just be happy we got to see them fall in love with each other through a wall. What their relationship status is now: Ok, so not only are they still together, THEY HAD A FERKIN’ BABY TOGETHER! I could not have predicted this if I TRIED! I was a real skeptic, but based on what they’re putting out on their Instagram, they seem really happy together, and I truly hope they are. May they never break up and date a bunch of other people in order to prove their love for each other again. Mazel tov, kiddos! What their relationship status is now: Welp, the honeymoon period didn’t last very long, I’m sad to say, because just six months after their engagement was announced, the couple called it off. It’s a shame! I really thought they were gonna make it :( But such is the life cycle of a reality TV relationship. Michelle at least posted on Instagram recently that she is feeling “happier,” so let’s hope it was all for the best. What their relationship status is now: Despite their seemingly irreconcilable differences around having kids (Lauren being very vocal in her opposition of rearing them, which, I FEEL YOU GIRL), these two remain in a state of engagement. It’s actually a real testament of their love for each other that they are able to work through some of these very real, and very big issues that a lot of couples face, so good on ya! All the best, XOXO. What their relationship status is now: Now, I hate to tell you this, but just this month, the couple filed for divorce. Yes, tis true that the foundation seemed a little shaky from the beginning, but you really just want these things to work! The former couple released a joint statement on Instagram saying, “While we have love for each other, our lives are going in different directions, and that’s okay… we will always wish each other the absolute best.” Ok, well that sounds positive at least! What their relationship status is now: I know I just got you all hyped up with this tantalizing love story, but here’s the hard truth: They called their engagement off in January of this year. WHY IS LOVE SO GD HARD, Y’ALL?! In a joint statement to People Magazine, they said, “We have decided to go our separate ways. Never did we imagine this, but we’ve come to a point where we both need to work on ourselves.” And just like that, it was over. What their relationship status is now: Now, let’s cut to the After the Final Rose Special where they said, “JK everyone! We’re actually together! Hehe!” WHAT?! Apparently, the couple patched things up over Instagram DMs (the power of the internet). And while the couple is technically still together, they did recently change their relationship status to long distance (which BEST OF LUCK. It’s so hard lol). On an episode of the Not Skinny But Not Fat podcast, Clayton tried to assure the fans, saying, “People might look at us like, ‘Oh, they’re separating,’” but “a little distance never hurts.”  What their relationship status is now: The couple really tried to make it work and did the whole long distance thing, but sadly, in January of this year, they confirmed that they were no longer together, and have since started dating other people. They even went so far as to delete literally any trace of each other on their social media, which is why I had to use individual photos of these two. They’ve scrubbed each other from existence! Read into that what you will. What their relationship status is now:  Well, what we find out in the Ultimatum reunion special is that after their fairytale engagement, the couple actually broke up for a full six months to figure their shit out. The whiplash of it all! As of right now, they are back to dating and have no plans to get married, but I guess time will tell! We’re rooting for you two! What their relationship status is now: Unfortunately, it’s time to put those goosebumps away, though, because in January of this year (noticing a trend here. I guess New Year’s is a time to shake out the old), they announced their split. Damn, even soulmates can’t make it work? What hope is there for the rest of us? The breakup was announced via a series of Instagram stories that have since been deleted, and according to their individual grids, they both seem to be doing quite well. Bless. What their relationship status is now: At the reunion, the couple was still happily engaged and relatively unscathed by the experiment as a whole, and just earlier this summer, they officially tied the knot! Now, it’s on to the next phase of life. Talking with People Magazine, Alexis said, “I can’t wait to start this chapter with Hunter, where we can start talking about, ‘Do we want to build a family? Do we want to live in California forever? Do we want to put some roots down here?’ It’s no longer about Alexis. It’s Alexis and Hunter.” Keep us posted, girl! What their relationship status is now: Wait wait wait, but how does John figure into all of this if he wasn’t even the one to end up with Katie in the first place?? Wellllllll, the story is kind of murky, but the two started a friendship after the show wrapped (while she and Blake were still together), and just one month after announcing the end of their engagement, Katie and John were officially a couple. (Feel free to speculate WILDLY.) But story time isn’t over yet! Because in June of this year, they announced their split. I know. I’m sorry! I wish it wasn’t true, too. And it wasn’t even the first time they broke up! Katie revealed on an episode of the podcast Off the Vine that, “Technically, we actually broke up twice. The first time no one knew about.” At the end of the day, it just wasn’t meant to be. But damnit if they didn’t give it a good try. Can’t win ’em all! What their relationship status is now: You might have guessed where this was headed, but the two announced their split this past May. :( You hate to see it. The news came as a shock to the Love Island community, because it really seemed like they had what it took to go all the way! In a post on Instagram, Amelia wrote, “Josh and I are on incredible terms…and we want the happiest life for one another. But sadly right now we have to find happiness separately. Of course I love Josh and will miss our crazy special life together but right now this is the best for us both.” Ok, I’m gonna cry!! Why’s it gotta be like this??  What their relationship status is now: The show is still airing at the time of writing this, so we don’t know who’s walking away with that prize money, but it appears that these two have already won, because they are still very much in love, and I am absolutely rooting for them. (Wow, that was so sappy and sincere. Am I really gonna end things this way? I guess I am. I LOVE LOVE!)

Reality Couples Who Broke Up This Year - 59