—u/Wess_is_Bestin —u/GuruBushHippie —u/sleepytimeghee I panicked. I had no radio, no phone (not that they work up there anyways), and no clue where anything was. The wind was strong enough that I couldn’t even find my tracks. I accepted my fate and just stay put, heart racing. After two of the longest minutes of my life, the power came back on." —u/OldGreySweater —u/LeJack37 —u/mykepagan There were two figures she saw regularly — a young girl and a faceless shadow of a man. The girl appeared lonely and lost, but the shadow man seemed malevolent and would follow her at a distance as she locked up, often standing in the doorways of rooms she needed to enter and disappearing as she got closer. She thought the shadow man might have been manipulating the lights to lure her into the un-refurbished sections of the basement, which lead to the sealed sub-basement below the level of the river half a block away. A group who ran a ‘guided tour’ experience in the basement (with costumes, props, dry ice effects, etc.) had a run-in with something when they first visited the venue to scope it out. The last member of the group was trailing a little behind, and as they entered that unfinished area, something clamped around his ankle and tripped him up. He said it felt like a hand. The floor was smooth cement, so there was nothing to trip on and not poorly lit by any means. I don’t believe in ghosts or the paranormal but I do take her word that she truly believes she saw what she described." —u/c130 —u/Dinaplays I did the same walk about an hour later. I didn’t see a single pair of elk eyes. They were all gone. Right as I was about to head back inside, I hear someone clear their throat. There was a man standing at the entrance to the facility, on the other side of the fence. This dude simply asked, ‘You seen them elk round here? I’ve been watchin ’em come up the hill. Really need some elk.’ I informed him that I haven’t seen them, but he called me a liar and said I was protecting them. He sat there at the gate until twilight then wandered off into the woods. I told the forest service about it the next day and they said they’ve had reports of a man going onto people’s property and stalking prey, even going as far as to hang out on their porches. We now have IR cameras outside the observatory and heavy-duty security features on the entrances because of that weirdo." —u/AstroSlip —u/USMC_MissileMan I walked into the kitchen and nearly scared a carpenter to death. ‘Fuck I can’t wait to get out of this house,’ he said. ‘You’ll see what I mean.’ He gathered his things and left before I got back to my van with all the lock cylinders. From the moment I walked back into that house, I felt like I was being watched. It was silent, and several times I felt like something was reaching for me. You know, that electric tingle that you get watching someone slowly move their hand to your body. I went into overdrive and hauled ass as fast as I could. Job done. The funny thing was I had probably passed that place a thousand times before. Like I said, it was a heavily traveled main road. It was in an isolated stretch and not only had I never noticed it, but I realized passing it a few weeks later that even though it was obviously there and easy to see, I still managed to overlook it when I was watching for it. It’s like the place didn’t want to be seen. A couple of months later, I got back to the shop and noticed a coworker had been there that day. This guy was a former Marine and gym rat. He was as tough as they come. I asked him what he thought of that house, and he made a face like I’d asked him about his worst memory ever. He said it was the creepiest house he’d ever been in. I just let it go after that, I also never went back there again." —u/ZazzlesPoopsInABox —u/JennIsFit There was one standing rule, though, that we all followed to the letter: No one went in the projection booth. There was no reason to go up there, anyway. We didn’t clean it, all our supplies were downstairs, and — most of all — it was haunted. There is a phenomenon that happens with theaters and projection booths. No matter what, you always feel like you’re being watched. When you’re walking around — unable to hear over the sound of the blowers — in an empty movie theater, and you happen to glance up at the booth only to unmistakably see someone standing there watching you, you will shit your pants. Especially when you go out into the hallway and find the other guy in his theater working. It was terrifying. The other guy and I went to either end of the building, blocking the two exits of the booth, and tried to trap whoever it was up there and find out what exactly was going on. No one was in there. We decided to leave it alone from then on." —u/nasdarovye

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