—Anonymous —Anonymous —Anonymous There were two people — a young boy with brown coiled hair and an older girl with long black hair tied into a ponytail. They stood over me, shining the torch in my face, trying to see if I was conscious or alive. For a few minutes I jumped between what felt like two lives before I sat up in the bed at my parent’s house and tried to shake myself out of it.  I keep wondering what happened to the version of me laying on the ground. I keep thinking that I had a choice of which life to stay in, which one to save. If I had kept my eyes shut and accepted the other life, would I still be alive in this one? It’s conceivable that I would’ve choked from coughing. And why was I wet and unconscious on the ground in the other life? Had I been drowning? It would explain the coughing in both lives. It really spooked me, I get goosebumps thinking about it still. I’ve not slept well since." —Anonymous —Anonymous —Anonymous The call lasted about an hour. In that hour, he told me he had killed at least two times and was going to do it again. After he disconnected, I called our central number. I was freaked out and told them everything he had said. I pleaded with them to check his info, but they said they would not do it. Mind you, they had his credit card information (I never got the callers’ information, only the company did).  I quit working there shortly after that. Their lack of concern for this was the main reason — believe me, at $12.00 an hour, it was the best job I could find working part-time after 10 p.m. I still to this day wonder who the man was and if any murders would have been prevented had the company done anything. The company has completely disappeared under lawsuits since then." —Anonymous —Anonymous The panic really set in when I realized that I left my phone in the other room. I sat there, shaking and imagining the door being kicked in for over an hour. The only ‘weapon’ I had was a can of Lysol. Eventually, the dogs settled down and I stopped hearing noises. My husband came home from work and was shocked to hear the story. He checked the entire house, but there were no signs of an intruder. Every single door was locked. To this day, I don’t have an explanation for what happened." —Anonymous After a few weeks in the hospital, I told the boy about my visions. He didn’t believe me at first. That was the case until I told him details about the crash I couldn’t have possibly known because I blacked out right after we rolled over. He had been awake the whole time, so he knew that the details I was saying were true. It was wild." —Anonymous —smitin I still have nightmares about this encounter. I don’t know what it could have been — there are zero animals that I know of that look like that. I’m still a bit scared to go into the woods now." —Anonymous We were instantly freaked out. The craft was moving at crazy speeds, going left and right over the ocean. It did seem to be following us, eyeing us. Then suddenly after about a minute or two, it was gone. Even with the fog, it was shocking we visually lost something so big and bright almost instantly. We were so moved by the experience we didn’t even really talk about it afterward.But, the wildest part of this story happened 20 years later. One day, my sister called me, telling me I had to watch a documentary called The Curse of the Man Who Sees UFOs. Apparently, this man had been seeing UFOs in our community for decades. The main thrust of the film centers around someone who ‘spontaneously combusted’ at the local public golf course. I remembered the death in local media, but I obviously looked further into it after watching the documentary, and it’s as crazy as it sounds. Guess where this poor person combusted? Naturally, right where we saw the UFO that night.I’ve lived a pretty crazy life and had some unreal things happen to me, but this, without a doubt, stands out over all the others." —Anonymous —Anonymous Now I wouldn’t even bother bringing this up as it could just be the delusions of a sleepy mind and a troubled teen, but my sister — who took over my room when I went to college — talked about this presence unsolicited for years, as well as her friends who stayed in the room during sleepovers. Even my parents’ friends who took over the bed for their stays had comments about the watcher from time to time. I knew where it came from, but given that no one else did, they were certainly a lot more creeped out by it than I was." —Anonymous —Anonymous I wish that was the scariest part of the story, but it’s not. I strangely managed to forget all about it until very recently. My great-aunt has dementia, and so my whole family has been helping her clean out her house before she moves in with my aunt and uncle. I was talking to her one day, and she kept repeatedly asking me to grab the photo albums in the hole in the wall behind the horses. I wasn’t sure what she was talking about, but she seemed so distressed that I decided to follow her instructions. I went to her bedroom, where there was a big painting of horses hanging on the wall. I checked behind it, and lo and behold, there were a couple photo albums.  I brought them to her, and we started to look through them together. She started pointing at a picture of a teenage girl, calling her ‘Catherine,’ and then pointing at me. My grandmother is long dead (she died during childbirth, as far as I can tell she had no connection to any of this), and as far as I knew at the time my great-aunt had no other siblings. But there they were, posing for a family picture with my great-grandfather and great-grandmother. My name is not Catherine, so I had to remind her who I was. I didn’t think much of it, because she often calls people by the wrong name. But then I looked at the picture. This girl looked exactly like how I did at her age. I imagine she would’ve looked just like me at any age. I asked what happened to her, and for a minute it was like my great-aunt was fully back with me. She said she died of a fever, given to her by ’the smiling, shapeshifting devil who haunted her dreams.’ I tried to ask more questions, but all she said was that ’the devil got her…he likes the blonde ones.’ The girl in the picture, Catherine, and I are the only natural blondes in my whole family. Unfortunately, my aunt had a stroke a couple of days later which left her unable to speak, so I never got to ask her any more questions. But I still wonder about Catherine sometimes, and what could’ve happened to me if my parents hadn’t woken up that night. I like to think that it was the ghost of Catherine, making sure no one else died from the dreams. But I’ll never really know anything more about the dreams, or Catherine, and I guess I’ll have to live with that." —Anonymous

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