– There were moments when I genuinely feared for Pinocchio’s safety and I think I shouted at the screen at one point.  – Fans of the action-thriller genre, this one’s for you. – I feel like I was missing some key context. I know it was released during WWII, but there seems to be a lot to read between the lines.  – Maybe mid-century actors were known to be morally corrupt and whales were thought to be violent, but neither group were painted in a flattering light.  – Little boys don’t come off great either. – Anthropomorphic foxes are terrifying. – When the villains outweigh the good characters, you’ve got too many villains. A 2:1 baddie/hero ratio is never ideal, imo. – There aren’t many songs, but it’s a less is more situation because all of them are great. – As a society, we’ve blown the whole nose-growing thing way out of proportion. Pinocchio’s not a liar, it was a one-off! – Cleo and Figaro should’ve had way more screen time. I would watch a spin-off (but not one where Figaro’s trying to eat Cleo). – Pinocchio is very cute and deserved better. – I can’t help but wonder if things would’ve gone any differently if there was a single human woman in the story, but that’s just me wondering. – I don’t know what to tell you about all the butt close-ups, but they’re a huge part of the film. – The fact that there’s no follow-up on the fate of any of the villains gives it a lasting fear.  – I guess the moral of the story is to be well-behaved and brave. And of course to trust no one.

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