Emma: I really like the book, and the dancing in the rain scene sounded terrifying to me, which it was. Jack: Do you like piña coladas? Emma: I do like piña coladas. Jack: And dancing in the rain? Sam: Did you have any on set? Jack: Nah, but we could’ve done with them, couldn’t we! Which actor is the most fun to be with on set? Someone who isn’t the person sitting next to you! Emma: Harris Dickinson’s a lot of fun. I just shot something with him for a few months in New York and then we did this road trip around Utah as part of the series. That was really good fun! Jack: I don’t know, some actors are quite fun, aren’t they? Emma: Yeah, they can be. Jack: First one that springs to mind is Dominic West. Good craic. Sam: Any particular reason? Jack: He nearly decked me. I accidentally walked into his hotel room very late one night, and he thought I was an intruder. I couldn’t get out of a curtain that was hanging behind the door! I thought I was my room, and he was waiting with one of them (makes fist). But then he took it dead well and we had a laugh about it. Emma: I wanna hear his version of this story. Jack: I’ve just read a great one! It’s non-fiction and it’s nothing to do with this, but it’s called The Catalpa Rescue. A load of Irish lads get arrested and are sent to Australian as part of one of the first penal colonies. Really fascinating stuff! Emma: I recently read an autobiography by an American photographer called Sally Mann, which is beautifully written. Her life’s incredible! And do you listen to podcasts? If so, which ones? Emma: There’s a slow news podcast called Tortoise, and they do these really good true crime podcasts. There was one called “Sweet Bobby” about a really good catfishing story that’s unbelievable! I couldn’t stop listening, it’s wild. Anything true crime, I love. Jack: Have you heard of Blindboy Boatclub? Emma: (Laughs) I knew you’d say this. Jack: He’s great, man. Very educational, very smart. There’s no real theme throughout, he just picks interesting topics. I can’t recommend it enough. Emma: He does really good intros. Jack: Are you still on them? Emma: Yeah! Jack: He’s fucking brilliant. Emma: He’ll be like, ‘Good evening ya bawling bowl of banshees. How ya doing?’ (Jack laughs) Jack: Spandau Ballet, “Gold”. Emma: That’s a great one! Jack: Thank you. Emma: Probably Cher, “Believe”. Do you have a wardrobe malfunction story? Emma: Well we had quite a lot on set, because of all the intimate stuff. Merkins… Y’know someone stole them? Jack: Nah, stop. Emma: They lost both of our merkins. They just vanished. Jack: Really? Emma: They vanished from the makeup trailer, we don’t know where they are. So, if you’re out there and you’ve stolen them… Jack: Have you checked eBay? Emma: (Laughs) Genuinely, someone should. We don’t know where they are! Do you not know about this? Jack: That’s my wardrobe malfunction story, there you go. Emma: Oh my God, do you remember yours, Jack? Jack: Yeah, Pocahontas. I don’t know why. Emma: I really don’t remember, but that’s a good one. Sam: How did that affect you, Jack? Jack: Deeply. Emma: It changed everything. Jack: Emotionally, psychologically, spiritually… Emma: Physically. And what’s the first album you ever bought? (Jack smiles) Sam: Is it embarrassing? Jack: No, I’m quite proud of it. It was cassette… That’s probably embarrassing. It was a cassette of D12 with Eminem, and my dad was very pissed off to hear the contents of it. Lots of ’effin and jeffin. Emma: Mine was probably something really embarrassing like Backstreet Boys, or do you remember Now albums? Like Now 2001 or something, or Now Let’s Party. I definitely had that. What is your comfort film? Jack: Pocahontas. Still. Emma: (Laughs) I’d say You’ve Got Mail, Meg Ryan. It’s a very Autumn film! Emma: Anything at a desk. Sam: So my job? Emma: (Laughs) Yeah, anything that required me to sit still for more than three minutes. Or a surgeon, I’d probably be a terrible surgeon. I’m really squeamish. Jack: Cool job though. Emma: Really cool job. Jack: I’d be a shit professional darts player. I just haven’t got a steady hand. (Raises hand) That’s pretty steady for me. Emma: (Raises hand too) I’d be great at darts. Jack: Yeah, you’d be mint at darts. Sam: I can’t wait for when you do a movie all about darts. Emma: Or when I throw it all in for darts? What’s the best advice you’ve ever been given? Jack: Don’t be nervous, have a purpose – Ian Brown, 2009. You can apply it anywhere. Emma: So as long ad you know what you’re gonna say or do, you won’t be nervous? Jack: Exactly. If you do it in a Mancunian accent, as well, it works even better. Emma: Oh, I saw Cate Blanchett in Telluride and I tripped over a bench… My publicist is laughing now cos she was there. I had a huge bruise on my leg afterwards. Huge. Sam: I feel that’s an appropriate response to an interaction with Cate Blanchett. Emma: Well we didn’t have any interaction, but she was very close, about as close as we are now. There was a bench between us, and I went to say hi, and then fell over it. So the dream situation really. Jack: I saw Jamie Carragher last night – I get starstruck for footballers, y’know? I had to say “eh up”, and he was dead sound about it. We had a nice handshake and then just kept it moving cos I did wanna harangue the guy. Who’s your style icon? Emma: Tilda Swinton. She floats. She’s elegance. She’s grace. Jack: Mike Skinner, probably because I grew up with The Streets. I always liked their music videos and his clobber. I think I’m still stuck in that time period. I didn’t pick this (gestures to outfit), someone picked this for me. Emma: Where to start. Jack: I’d like it to be more accessible to the underprivileged and to all communities. It’s a very expensive avenue to pursue, but it doesn’t have to be like that. Emma: Queer roles, but good queer roles, y’know? And finally, why should we go and see Lady Chatterley’s Lover? Jack: It’s good stuff, init? Emma: It’s good craic. I think it’s a really unique tale about love and people who really fight for what they want. Also, I think Laure is such a visionary, and the way we all worked to portray sex on screen was quite singular. I think we’ve done something quite bold and quite different!

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