Janelle: I basically stalked Rian and Daniel after seeing the first film… No, I’m kidding, Rian reached out to me. I always said to myself, if Rian Johnson reaches out to you for anything, say yes. So I said yes, I got sent the script, and then it became a “hell yes”. And how did you find working with Rian? Janelle: If Rian calls me to do a two second commercial, I’m gonna do it. This guy is an incredible human, and as a future director myself, I’m always gonna use him as an example of how to be. When we showed up, he was always cool, even when fires needed to be put out. That helped keep the cast at ease. You feel like you can trust this guy, and that’s the kind of director I want to work with and be. So there was a lot of chemistry between you all then? Daniel: No, we just have to get on with each other. We’re all pros. Daniel: Everybody knew. This isn’t a Marvel movie where you get two pages and that’s your part, everybody got the whole thing. What you see on screen looks very easy and relaxed, but to get to that point, a lot of work goes into it – including work by this wonderful person sitting next to me (gestures to Janelle). How funny people are in this is not just down to the fact that we had a very funny script, it’s because this cast worked on it, and got to a level where they could start throwing stuff out. I mean, it was a joy to watch! Janelle: I talked to many of my friends who identify as women and my friends of colour who are either navigating those tech spaces, or leading companies where they are the minority. I wanted to know what it was like for them to meet people like Miles Bron, and what it takes to live that kind of lifestyle. Daniel: I used various sources that I feel are in a similar range to Benoit, but he’s sort of unique. I feel like he’s a combination of Shelby Foote, William Faulkner, and Tennessee Williams. Somewhere in between them, he’s there. And do you relate to your character in any way? Daniel: I think you can play very different characters, but ultimately a lot of the things that are happening are you. Janelle: Yes! I do think my character is very layered, and I have many layers myself. Daniel: There was a lot actually. I mean, the script itself was laugh-out-loud funny, and if we’d just stuck to that, it would still be a funny movie. But when you have the likes of Kathryn Hahn in the room… Janelle: Oh my god, she kept us laughing. Daniel: Yes, kept us laughing. We were like that most days because she’d usually throw stuff in here and there. I’m always of the opinion that if you have a really good script, all the improvisation just makes it better and better because you’re starting from a really good place already. Are there any examples in particular that spring to mind? Daniel: Halle Berry! Janelle: (Laughs) Wow! What made you say that? It was so funny! Daniel: It was just a silly thing. Janelle: Wow! That’s one of my favourite lines from you actually. Janelle: On a personal level, I actually loved all of Blanc’s outfits. I was like, “okay Jenny, shrink these just a little bit for me, please please please”. I actually kept thinking that! Big shout out to Jenny Eagan, our costume designer. She has such a great, intuitive eye and she’s a great listener too. I think I had one call with her, and then when I showed up to the first fitting, I was just blown away by all of the options. I think I loved my opening look when Andi goes to the island… Daniel: Sshh! Sam: I’ve seen it. Daniel: Oh, you’ve seen it. Janelle: Y’all know we go to an island? But no, no, shush me up, I don’t want to ruin anything! Janelle, how did you perfect that death stare you did? Janelle: I think my mum and dad would say that I’ve been practising that my whole life. I used to get in a lot of trouble, and my dad would always say, “why are you cutting your eyes at me?” I’d be like, “I’m not, that’s just how I look!” But I’m also an android, so it’s a super sharp, technologically-gifted stare, y’know? Daniel: No, never, once the job’s done, it’s over. But when I’m on the job, everyone on set is doing it. I mean, Kathryn wouldn’t stop doing it! Janelle: I must butt in and say I think it’s truly brilliant work, because obviously Daniel is British, but then he’d put these headphones on and… I don’t know what you were listening to, Pink Floyd or something. His head would be bopping in between scenes in the Blanc outfit, and I’d think, “what is going on?” Then he’d slip into his Benoit voice, and then back into his British accent. I remember asking, “what is it with the walkman?” and you just said, “it keeps me focused”. Daniel: That’s very nice of you. Yeah, I’m just very easily distracted. Janelle: Well seeing the accents go back and forth, he never missed. That’s why he is who he is! And finally, Daniel, if you could choose to have any one of the characters from the first film cameo in this film, who would it be? Daniel: None of them, I hated all of them. I hope I never see any of them again. No, I think it would be Jamie Lee Curtis because I know she’d make it happen!