1. I’m not sure what can top the ending of last week. Obviously the show needs to set up the coming war, but I doubt we’re going to launch into it right away. Is this just going to be a lot of talking?
  2. Knowing this show, it’s going to be a lot of talking and then one very shocking death.
  3. Luc is still “I dun want”-ing it.
  4. It’s so wild that they’re all still thinking about Driftmark. All that stuff happened in last week’s episode and they have no idea.
  5. Even when Rhaenys shows up, Rhaenyra’s like “Hey, how’s Corlys?”
  6. Wonderful performance from Emma D’Arcy here, as usual.
  7. I love how Daemon’s immediately like “THEY MURDERED HIM.” It’s very Daemon-esque of him.
  8. Oh god, the baby’s coming.
  9. Can this poor woman give birth in peace for ONCE?
  10. “Naught is to be done but by my command.” Tell ’em, Rhaenyra!
  11. Corlys made it! Finally, some good news.
  12. Ooooh, that line about if Daemon wants to speak to the maester. That GLARE.
  13. So much weight there. Remember the last time Daemon spoke to a maester while his wife was in labor? Yeah, he’s not doing that again.
  14. I never noticed how long Caraxes’ neck is. Brontosaurus-ass-lookin’ dragon.
  15. Oh god.
  16. So much blood.
  17. Is the baby stillborn?
  18. Yeah.
  19. Damn, that scene was rough.
  20. Okay, I had to google it, but this is Ser Erryk, not Ser Arryk.
  21. So Ser Erryk = awesome and cool, Ser Arryk = traitor to the crown and very not cool.
  22. Rhaenyra looks fucking badass in that crown.
  23. It’s wild how much she actually looks like Viserys. Must be the hair.
  24. Ooh, fancy glowy table!
  25. The work you had to put in before LED lights, ya know?
  26. Aegon’s banner is a three-headed green dragon? How dare he.
  27. Like, if you’re going to usurp the throne, at least come up with a new banner that isn’t literally just the old banner with a new color.
  28. Ooh, I love the symmetry here of Daemon facing Otto in Dragonstone again.
  29. Wait for it…
  30. And yep, there’s Rhaenyra flying in on her dragon, but this time she’s walking to Daemon’s side. Love that.
  31. Eat shit, Otto.
  32. “I do not wish to rule over a kingdom of ash and bone.” Well, Daenerys thought the same thing, and look how that turned out. Or…Daenerys will think the same thing. Later. 
  33. Oh, here we go with the song of frickin’ ice and fire again. Honestly Rhaenyra, don’t worry about it.
  34. DAEMON!
  35. I know people forgive him a lot, but choking Rhaenyra is NOT okay with me.
  36. Corlys is back!!
  37. I really like that Rhaenyra is actually considering a peaceful resolution. It always felt to me like she didn’t really want the throne for herself, she only wanted it out of duty and obligation. So giving it up for the sake of peace (and prophecy) makes sense, character-wise.
  38. The Stepstones are finally secured hahahaha.
  39. Viserys would be so happy/kind of annoyed to hear that.
  40. “Dragons can fly faster than ravens.” Wait until you see the ravens 200 years from now. They seemed to be able to fly from King’s Landing to Winterfell in like an hour.
  41. And that’s to say nothing of merman Varys.
  42. I do not like this scene of Rhae saying goodbye to her sons. Reminds me too much of how the Stark parents never saw their kids again.
  43. This was a cool shot:
  44. If your dragon is breathing fire seemingly at random times, we recommend giving them calming treats.
  45. Storm’s End? More like storm’s still going ha ha ha.
  46. Oh no, Vhagar. Aemond’s already there.
  47. Same vibe:
  48. Whoaaaa, Aemond’s eye!
  49. I mean, sucks he lost an eye, but that is a damn cool prosthesis.
  50. Get out of there, Luc!
  51. Oh god, where’s Vhagar?
  52. This is so goddamn stressful.
  53. ABOVE YOU!!
  54. Dive, Arrax!
  55. Go in the canyon! Top Gun that shit! Maverick!
  56. Honestly, stay in the canyon, dude.
  57. Find a small cave! Do ANYTHING but try to fly home with Vhagar out there!
  58. Oh no, they’re not listening.
  59. Arrax, stopppppp!
  60. Oh god.
  61. Oh FUCK!
  62. Nooooooooooo.
  63. That’s what you get for bullying, Aemond. You dumbass.

House Of The Dragon Season 1 Finale Thoughts Recap - 1House Of The Dragon Season 1 Finale Thoughts Recap - 35