—moolly22 —areyoukidding67 —inayahali99 —kerrinjoyg “And when they use the douchebag jar as the glass to smash at their wedding.” —maloric2 —sxhp —uniquegoose74 —laurlaur11 —jordynb4ccf7a4a9 —sweetessence786 —xx28xx —alwayshope123 —shyfan91 —ryanw4b8930d84 “I mean fuck, I’m welling up just thinking about it.” —ryanw4b8930d84 —jamiwithan-i —khulisom —stipyit —milliew42409bb21 “The words ‘Jeremy Bearimy baby’ can reduce me to tears, especially now knowing they didn’t get to have that together.” —honestiago —charleyelizabethc —emmakayk —raynalouise —floralcurtains —costcoffee —lauraelizabethx —carissab4c4c2d92b —lesleyw7 –hanifahrahman —katerumtruffle —petty-dabbler “One of the best TV moments of all time. You keep thinking they’ll get out of it, they’ll get out of it, they always do – and then you’re hit with reality.” —stipyit