—kdub24 —dominicanemec —willsamplelds —kkat22 —xavin Bearing in mind of course that this interview was in the summer of 2020, when people were being laid off at worst and having massively reduced hours at best. My now-boss told me that the other person was actually just looking for part-time seasonal hours, but he and my now-manager were both so impressed by my immediate willingness to help someone I didn’t know out, and that I would be the perfect fit! (That sounds a lot like a humble brag. Wasn’t trying to be; sorry, lol.)" —captainkappa173 —xcollapsix —clogan753 2. They were very open about what things weren’t awesome as much as the things that were 3. They laughed easily and openly 4. Boss invited co-interviewer to take lead at one point and complimented her questions 5. Both interviewers used positive descriptors of colleagues when referring to them and genuinely meant the compliments 6. Realistic expectations that it takes months and even years to really own the position and make it your own 7. They were prepared with lists of questions, but it felt far more like a conversation 8. The ‘perks’ were an afterthought and talked about like happy bonuses, not excuses for low pay 9. Made it clear that there was plenty of support and no one expected you to have your stuff together right away 10. They were upfront about why predecessors had left the role." —egracewarren