—gotlifedpa —gotlifedpa —shanham84 He went to clean up and swung his hand sideways into the blade. It went through two fingers and was stuck. We couldn’t go anywhere, so he had to wrap his fingers up like a tourniquet. He had surgery when we finally got back and he still has no feeling in the fingers." —mkyfan_sem —ggmommy2002 —dalee40ce1e50d I had to sit with a cup of water up to my eye for 20 minutes to make sure it all got out and then spent an hour in the shower using nail polish remover to get it out of my hair and let me tell you, it BURNS when that stuff touches your scalp. This was all the night before a wedding too." —ghetti —shirayuridenu_kun What we didn’t account for was the fact that it was mostly light fluffy snow that wouldn’t stay nicely piled up to the roof once our weight was on it – especially since she only had one sledge so we went down together.  Instead of gloriously coasting through the whole backyard we dropped straight down into the snow and got stuck. Her dad had to dig us out and we got a huge lecture." —jdaly389 I got a fork from the kitchen and jammed that between the plug and the wall. My mom had woken up and rounded the corner to me with a fork in the outlet and sparks flying. She obviously freaked out." —ekeehbauch Long story short, did you guys know if you put a suction cup on your forehead, it leaves a big purple bruise-looking circle for a week or so? Because I sure didn’t. I told my mom someone hit me with a volleyball and bless her Catholic heart she believed me." —funkmistress —himalayall —baddaughter For the fourth one I was just mad as hell and figured all the burners were now broken so I slammed my hand on it. It was the one that worked and I ended up with circular burns on the palm of my hand and fingers." —joanne3482 —catgoesmoo —elisabethefergusone —ashleyadams1 —areyoukidding —google_105419362496916314857 —lalalace1640