—u/iHazRice —u/dr3dg3 —u/unfinished_diy “COVID resulted in such an alarming rise of MLMs and other ’entrepreneur’/‘be your own boss’/‘girl boss’ on social media that it honestly is mind boggling. Ironically, and unsurprisingly, every person I know that got into one of these during COVID has gone onto a different, more stable job, but did so only after going into debt pretty heavily.” —u/PosXIII “I get children modeling children’s clothes for shops and stuff, but when they make 10-year-olds look 20 and ‘sexy,’ it’s just creepy.” —u/musicalnerd-1 —u/Galaxy_Ranger_Bob One day, I hope to stop buying any new clothes. I’m going find a tailor and have a to have a small wardrobe of clothes that I really like and fit me perfectly made. And then I will enjoy them, and I will wear them until I die. I know a lot of people aren’t in a position to do that — fast fashion is associated with profligate purchasing of cheap clothes, but fast fashion also exists because people who don’t have a lot of money need clothes to go to work and deserve to feel stylish and attractive, too. I don’t have an answer for that aspect of this issue or how to support the garment workers, who are being paid so little. These are things we’re going to have to address at some point anyway, because the current model is not sustainable." —u/fairygodmotherfckr “The problem is purposely targeting and incarcerating people JUST SO they can put them in a for-profit prison. If they didn’t exist at all, a lot of those criminals would never have been labeled as such in the first place.” —u/jaydvd3 “I enjoyed doing one as a child. It was just dress up pretty and walk on stage. BUT there wasn’t any heavy makeup or swimsuit contests or any super photoshopped photos.” —u/Linaphor —u/Gary_Boothole “I was raised on a small family farm. I agree, factory farming has to go. Family farms treat their animals well and ‘give them a good life.’ They were bed and bedded every morning before we were allowed to eat. They all had a name. We knew less stressed animals made a better product.” —u/SnooGoats9114 “We can transition — it would be good for the economy, our health, and our future, but there isn’t the political willpower to do it at the moment.” —u/TFlowr

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