I opened the driver-side door, let off the parking brake, and proceeded to push the car backwards out of the garage, forgetting that car + driver’s door was wider than the garage door. This resulted in the car’s door being ripped off, and a father who was more disappointed in me than angry." —lastmangoinparis —kayblu02 “I then put a 1HP Kirby vacuum to my ear, which subsequently blew my eardrum out with the ball still stuck inside. I went to the ER to get it out and the doctors and nurses were like ‘oh we thought it would be a little kid’…. I was 16.” —grimchbettahavemymoney —jcnmbee43 —plzbediscreet —judirothenberg —aberrantia I foolishly thought I could jump off the front stoop and land past the 2x4 into the insulation. I didn’t. It took my father holding me and my uncle pulling the 2x4 and nail out of my foot." —saltyspice75 I got my head caught between the window and the top of the car and the window pushed into my lower eye. Explaining that black eye was fun." —swapacoinforafish —briannac4958d98d2 —mysocallart —ladygoldberry I closed my eyes and raised the hammer high above my head and brought it down. The next thing I know I hear a loud pop and look down to see blood gushing from my hand. The bottle basically exploded and one of the glass shards sliced the knuckle of my thumb. I still have the scar on my thumb to this day." —willk15